Monday, April 4, 2011

A few quotes on my mind.

"The most vindictive resentment may be expected from the pedagogic profession for any suggestion that they should be dislodged from their dictatorial position; it will be expressed mainly in epithets, such as "reactionary," at the mildest. Nevertheless, the question to put to any teacher moved to such indignation is: Do you think nobody would willingly entrust their children to you and pay you for teaching them? Why do you have to extort your fees and collect your pupils by compulsion?"

- Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine 1963
On Public Education and the belief that we must have a public education system.

"How can we get greater loyalty from the individual to the union? All the things we fought for, the corporation is now giving the workers. What we have to find are other things that the workers want which the employer is not willing to give him, and we have to develop our program around these things as reasons for belonging to the union."

- An Unnamed UAW Executive in an article titled "10 U.A.W. Leaders Find Unions Are Losing Members' Loyalty" from the New York Times, September 8, 1963 (or 1964.)
I'm not sure I need to comment on this. The implication should be obvious. Unions seeking survival in an age where they are dying.

"In the issue of monopolies, as in so many other issues, capitalism is commonly blamed for the evils perpetrated by it's destroyers: it is not free trade on a free market that creates coercive monopolies, but government legislation, government action and government controls."

- Nathaniel Branden, "Common Fallacies about Capitalism" June 1962
Truly coercive monopolies are government instituted.

"The United States - history's magnificent example of a country created by political theorists - has abandoned it's own philosophy and is falling apart. As a nation, we are splintering into warring tribes which - only by the fading momentum of a civilized tradition - are called "economic pressure groups," at present. As opposition to our growing statism, we have nothing but the futile "willayas" of the so-called "conservatives," who are fighting, not for any political principles but only against the "liberals."

- Ayn Rand, the Los Angeles Times 1962

"Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism - not such trifles as the private possession of the means of production. Of what importance is that if I range men firmly within a discipline from which they cannot escape? Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers. All that, you see, is unessential. Our Socialism goes far deeper...
The people about us are unaware of what is really happening to them. They gaze fascinated at one or two familiar superficialities, such as possessions and income and rank and other outworn conceptions. As long as these are kept in tact, they are quite satisfied. But in the meantime they have entered into a new relation; a powerful social force has caught them up. They themselves are changed. What are ownership and income to that? Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings."

- Adolf Hitler, to Hermann Rauschning in "Hitler Speaks."
The concepts of Fascism and Communism are on the same side of the spectrum, not opposite. - Also what separated Hitler from other Mass Murderers in history. Most believed their actions were pure, their motives correct (even if they weren't.) Hitler was wrong, and he knew it.

"Explain to me the difference between the a King's Rule and the People's Rule. Both are tyrants, both are rulers, and both possess the same power, both can force their ideologies on people. The philosophical foundation of this country was the idea of Personal Rule. You are your OWN ruler, and you have rights that no government, collective or otherwise can take from you. In modern day, law after law is passed that progressively strips the right to rule your own life. This is not "progress" it is "regress." No matter the ruler be it the people or a king, both are tyrants and the motive is always power over your life."

- Me, Just now.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Subjective:Objective - A quick note on knowledge.

I'm going to try and keep this short. I also do not mean this pejoratively, it's simply my own stream of thought.

The idea that reality is subjective is dependent on objective knowledge - Arguing that reality is subjective is dependent on the use of knowledge (which is supposedly subjective) and thought processes that require identification.

To say "Reality IS subjective" is to define reality. In making such a statement, we are defining our terms - We are characterizing reality as such. - We are making the notion "reality is subjective" an objective term. - Something with definition and definition (by it's own... definition) cannot vary or it is not defined. Understanding such definition is knowledge.

"Reality is Subjective" is a contradiction in terms.