Sunday, January 9, 2011

A true thirst for knowledge.

I wish I could live more lives than my own.

Really. I want to know what it's like to be conditioned as a child to race go-karts, then champ cars, then formula 1. Who wouldn't right? But I mean that even to an extreme. I wish I could be a jet pilot (and have the eyes and age to do it.) Again, who wouldn't? But I'd even like to live life as a woman, to see ALL of the different facets of life from that perspective, good and bad - never mind that I'd probably STILL like women. I want knowledge. I want to know what life would be like from all of these different perspectives and I know that it is completely impossible for me to do so within the limitation of my own life.

And that seriously sucks.

I'd like to see life as a gay man or gay woman. As a politician. As a high school football player, as a drug addict that lives on the streets. As a stripper, as a coke dealer. As a car sales man. As a regular guy with a regular job, a wife and 2 kids. As a rebellion leader, fighting government. As a soldier supporting the government he believes in. As a republican. As a democrat. As a combination of any of the above.

I simply want to know what people think. I want to know how they react, how they feel, think and breathe and more importantly, what emotions, thoughts and reactions course through their mind when an event occurs. I want to know how they react emotionally, psychologically, functionally. Yet I cannot do that within the scope of one life.


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